Posts without blog — Tagged "back health"

Your Flat Feet Are Not An Issue | Analyzing Your Foot Health

Your Flat Feet Are Not An Issue | Analyzing Your Foot Health

While there are many ways to track progress and hold yourself accountable when it comes to your fitness goals, how ca... more

Spare Your Lower Back With These 3 Simple Strategies

Spare Your Lower Back With These 3 Simple Strategies

Lower back pain sucks and it seems like nearly every American has dealt with it at some point. Furthermore, the pain ... more

Unlock your Thoracic spine!

Do it for better breathing, stability, and postureThe Core:Most of the back saving exercises out there focus on the l... more

The Chinese Plank - aka The Forgotten Plank

The Chinese Plank - aka The Forgotten Plank

The Chinese Plank: do this exercise for strength, posture, and spinal health.  Pictured is the face-up chinese plan... more