Light-Band Lean-Out w/ BJ Gaddour - Workout Wednesday #48

Light-Band Lean-Out w/ BJ Gaddour - Workout Wednesday #48

Good Morning Pedestal Community!

Hope you all are crushing your workouts. The warm weather is around the corner...

We have a killer band workout for you from our friend and training guru, BJ Gaddour.

Check out the video below as well as a breakdown of the workout underneath. 

Movement Sequence & Breakdown:

Light bands go a long way when you add speed of movement and/or stack competitive movements together. This red band routine has you fuse a lower body, pull, & pushing stack into one 9-move total body fat loss and metabolic conditioning circuit.

Perform each move for 30 seconds of work with 15 seconds of rest between moves:

1. Overhead Split Squats- Left Leg

2. Overhead Split Squats- Right Leg

3. Jack Presses

4. Face Pulls

5. Lateral Raise Pull-Aparts (fitspo from @JoeDeFranco)

6. Band Ski Erg

7. Feet-Elevated Pushups

8. Rotational Bear Crawl

9. Speed Punches Burnout

That's 1 round. Do a single round as a starter or finisher. Do 2-4 rounds for a full workout.

Thank you for checking us out and keep crushing!

Much love,



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