The Best Socks For Weightlifting, Deadlifting & Powerlifting

Why Choose Dead Lifting Socks Over Shoes?
3 Reasons To Try Weightlifting Without Shoes
Try it out for yourself and feel the difference. Weightlifting barefoot vs weightlifting with shoes on is a completely different experience. When you initiate a deadlift or squat with your feet directly connected to the ground, you feel the muscles being tensed and worked way more effectively compared to having shoes on. Read on to discover 3 reasons why more and more people are weightlifting without shoes:
1. Lifting Barefoot Allows For Greater Awareness Of Muscle Targeting
The first benefit of ditching your shoes before hitting the gym to lift weights is that feeling of greater awareness and control of the specific muscle groups you are working. Also known as proprioception. It’s the perception of movement within the body. When barefoot, you feel the ground, you can grip it with your toes as nature intended. You can really dig in and get that traction you need to push your workout to the limit.
2. Increased Power & Stability Comes From The Ground Up
Weightlifting is (obviously) all about gravity. No matter what you’re lifting, it’s a fight between you and that downward force pulling the weights to the floor. The only physical connection between that floor and your body are your feet. So – the better position your feet are in to combat and handle that force, the more power you can generate and the more balanced & stable you become. When you lift weights with athletic sneakers or weightlifting shoes, the energy that gets absorbed by that comfy sneaker is wasted. When the only place for that energy to go is through your feet and the rest of your body, that energy can be used and generated into more power & thrust.
3. More Power Leads To Training With Heavier Weights
Weightlifting without shoes can take you to heights – or weights – that you’ve never seen before. Once you start to understand how to use that extra energy that used to be wasted in your heel cushion, you can translate it into greater endurance for a longer or stronger workout. It’s important to realize that weightlifting without shoes is not necessarily easier. You do have to work harder at first. Think about it – using shoes is really the easy option! You’re used to all that comfort and cushion thanks to decades of technology innovation in the athletic sneaker industry. It will take some adjustment.

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