Pedestal Footwear | Myths About Barefoot Training

Let's face it, working out barefoot is different. Those of us who choose to do things differently are often ridiculed or looked at as weird.

We have compiled a list of the top myths that people mention when it comes to barefoot training.

Myth 1: What if I drop a weight on my foot? 

This is one of the most popular objections, but one that isn't really well thought out. We discuss this topic in detail HERE, but in aren't going to do you much help either.

Our friend Bruce at Thrive Fit actually had this happen to him while wearing sneakers and was able to summarize his awful experience HERE. Check out the damage below!

What happens when you drop a weight on your sneakers at the gym

If anything, not wearing shoes enhances your proprioception  and thus you are more aware of your surrounding. Think about when there is broken glass on the floor and you are barefoot, you probably walk in a more alert manner.

Myth 2: Going barefoot will hurt my feet

There is a ton of research out there, but no need to get all "sciency" here. We aren't asking that you go out and log 100 miles on the treadmill in your bare feet. We can all agree that we as humans spend too much time in our sneakers, so removing them for your workouts is a great option. Of course, always start slow and build from there like any other workout program.

For those interested in learning more about certain foot exercises and understanding your unique foot condition you can check out our program HERE. Whether you pronate, evert, have flat feet, or high arches, none of these conditions should hinder you from ditching your shoes.

Myth 3: My gym doesn't allow barefoot training.

Through our research and conversations with insurance companies, we have found that it is not so much about being barefoot as it is about not allowing sandals.

Ken Reinig, the founder of theinsuranceguy had this to say about Pedestal...

"I have no problem at all with the safety aspects of Pedestal Footwear's products.  As an insurance broker who specializes in liability and risk management for the health club industry, I can assure you that my underwriters would not have a problem with any gym that allows this footwear in a workout environment."

This objection is also an extension of the drop a weight on your foot scenario explained earlier. That being said, it is our hope that a trainer or movement specialists at such a gym has at least heard of and understands the benefits of training without shoes.

All this being said, there are certainly greater objections to being completely barefoot in the gym. Two major ones are cleanliness (dead skin on the floor) and an unappealing environment to other members/clients...that’s where Pedestals come in handy!


As mentioned earlier, wearing Pedestals is different. So with difference, comes judgment and questioning. We recently received a testimonial from a customer of ours, that really expresses this feeling...

"I have hip pain and I often felt "unstable" in sneakers and had trouble finding pairs that fit my feet and allowed me to move the way I wanted them to move. Also, I did not feel "glued" to the floor in squats, deadlifts, lunges and felt like my range of motion was hindered in lunges.

It should not be discounted that I look different when I am working out in my Pedestals. At the gym I work out, I am the only one wearing them, and so I stand out. I like feeling like I have this badass advantage, and maybe it gives folks pause before they discount me. I am a female lifter in an area where it is not culturally common for women to lift, so I can use every bit of self-confidence and "I belong here, too"-ness! I feel like I know something that the other lifters around me don't.

I loved the freedom of movement pretty much immediately and now I am in complete control of my foot/ankle positioning. I no longer have to give my footwear any thought at all as I go from my mobility work, to my lifting, and PT. "

-Marjorie H

Thank you for reading and for sticking out in a world that wants you to fit in. We hope like Marjorie we give you that “badass advantage” as well.


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1 comment

  • Excellent Blog article about feet. I have a series of exercise for my clients to do to strengthen their feet with minimalist shoes & they always see me feet. If they could see my feet working they wouldn’t know what to do. The foot is stable & the ankle rocker is mobile & I also check out their hips. If the hips are tight & not mobile I check down the kinostic chain the feet to find the broken link(s) & add correctives. Being a certified kettlebell instructor I emphasize you must first know how to anchor your feet before you pick up a weight with the velocity being to to 3 x the weight of the kettlebell. Kettlebell Lady Leanne Wylet

    Leanne Wylet on

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