Veterans Day KB WOD


Thank You Veterans. We couldn’t do what we do without the men and women who’ve served their country, and those who still protect us each and every day. 

I stumbled upon the below workout after doing a bit of digging and decided to give it a go. 

The WOD: "The IOWA"

With a Kettlebell Complete:

  • 200m Suitcase Carry

  • 20 Shoulder to Overhead

  • 35 Kettlebell Swings

  • 50 Goblet Squats

  • 35 Kettlebell Swings

  • 20 Shoulder to Overhead

  • 200m Suitcase Carry


  • Advanced: #70/53

  • Intermediate: #53/35

  • *Fun: You Pick the Weight

Have an awesome week everyone!

Much Love,



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