Crazy 80's from Jeremy Scott Fitness

Here is a crazy leg workout I found from Jeremy Scott fitness and I took it for a spin with an 80lbs DB.

80 Reps of each movement with 80lbs DB’s ~ 80 Bottom Loaded Tension Squats (cutting the top short to keep the tension steady) ~ 80 Split Squats Each Leg (160 total) ~ 80 Goblet Squats ~ 80 Reverse Lunges (40 per leg) ~ for a total of 400 Reps using 80lbs DB’s ~ now beginners you can scale both the load and volume for example start with a 40lbs DB and go 40 reps or go the full 80 while your using a lighter load.

Obviously, you should and will do this rest/pause style. It ended up taking me about 30 minutes to complete. 



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