A1) Flat Bench - WUT 5 x 5
A2) Barbell RDL to Row - 5 x 8
B1) Two KB Cleans - 5 x 8
B2) Weighted Neutral Grip Pull-Ups - 5 x 5
C1) Towel Suitcase Carry - 20 yards/s
C2) Shoulder Taps - 6/s
A1) Flat Bench - WUT 5 x 5
A2) Barbell RDL to Row - 5 x 8
B1) Two KB Cleans - 5 x 8
B2) Weighted Neutral Grip Pull-Ups - 5 x 5
C1) Towel Suitcase Carry - 20 yards/s
C2) Shoulder Taps - 6/s