Power Up w/ Equinox Trainer & Boxing/MMA Coach @dnlfit

This week we are dedicating our blog to Health and Fitness enthusiast, Boxing and MMA coach, and Elite Equinox Trainer, Dionel Alves aka @dnlfit.

As a former competitive Boxer and Performance Coach, Dionel knows a thing or two about athletic development and programming.

We love what he does in his Pedestals because he's able to have a killer workout with minimal equipment.

Below are some of our favorite movements that Dionel integrates into his clients programming as well as his own. 

Power Punches 


Ropes & Swings


Glute Bridge w/ Presses


Slam Sequence 


Here is what Dionel had to say about using Pedestals with his clients:

"Being a personal trainer means understanding how people move in Space...I want all of my clients moving to the best of their abilities and Pedestal Footwear reinforces that. I have all of my clients rock these during strength/speed/power training sessions. It improves the awareness of proper base and teaches them the importance of generating movements form the ground up.  I couldn’t be a bigger proponent of Pedestal Footwear both as a product and a way of training.

-Dionel Alves"

Thank you for always crushing in your Pedestals Dionel!

Try these out and be sure to let us know how it goes.

Ditch Your Shoes!

Much Love,

The Pedestal Guys

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