Posts without blog — Tagged "Barefoot lifting"

No time for a warm up? Do this instead!

TIME!It seems like we just don't have enough of it and we are fighting the clock every day. "I don't have time to mea... more

Dynamic Warm-Up | A-Skip Progression

Dynamic Warm-Up | A-Skip Progression

Did you know that your feet have the capability to do everything that your hands can do?! This is pretty amazing and ... more

Bonesaw's First Two Weeks @ Achieve Fitness

The first two weeks with the Achievers have been awesome. It has been 10+ years since sticking to a strength and cond... more

Rubber Band Squat Hack #FootFetishFriday

While there are many tips and tricks when it comes to the squat (just do a quick search and see for yourself), one of... more